Saturday, December 20, 2008

#24 SIL's Final Stage Performance

SIL is an amazing dancer and the stage is going to miss her greatly. She has decided at the ripe, old age of 20, that large productions just aren't her thing and that she would rather focus on what he wants to do with her life. She will continue dancing, but wants to get her degree and do dance therapy. HOW COOL IS THAT? I'm so happy for and proud of her.

The performance was amazing. We had fantastic seats in the second row. I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect a Broadway style performance, which is what we got. A-MAZ-ING! The talent in that group of performers (both singers and dancers) is just phenomenal. SIL was in several numbers (7, I think), but there were two that were especially heartwarming for me. The first was a ballet number - think long tu-tu's and point. I looked at her and just thought about how she was living every little girls dream. The second was her last number, in which the entire cast was on the stage doing what they do best.

I'm so thrilled that we got to be there for her big night. She is an amazing dancer.

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