Friday, October 3, 2008

#65 Fence in Yard

Well, we had the inaugural run of the back (side really) yard. The dogs didn't know what to do the first few days. It took a lot longer than it should have and we spent a lot more money on it than we should have, but it's done. Sing it with me, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"

What a blessing that will be come February when the man is deployed, I have two wee ones running around like maniacs and the dogs need to pee. No more pulling the Muck's on and shuffling the snow to find the leashes (that are tied to the deck). Nope, I'll be saying, "Ok, girls, go outside," opening the door and shutting it right behind them.

Ahh....the joys of a fenced in yard.

1 comment:

Mary H. said...

I'll bet it's fantastic!!