Thursday, November 13, 2008

#83 I Found an Old Friend!

I'm so excited! I have been trying to find my friend TM (I now know she is TF) for about 5-6 years. The past few weeks I've really felt like I just HAD to find her. So, I pay some online sites for her information and none of them were current. I finally found her parents phone number (yes, I did try that first, but could never get them and they didn't have an answering machine). So, tonight I called the number for about the 5th time this week and I'm SHOCKED when the phone is picked up.

"Is this B_____ M____?"
"Hi, This is _____ ______, I went to high school with T and would really like to get in contact with her."
"Who did you say this was?"
"_____ _____"
"Oh, I remember that name. Here is her phone number. [insert number] I'd wait to call until the weekend since she is usually asleep around 8:30."
"Thank you SO much. I'll wait until the weekend to contact her then. How is she doing?"

We continue to talk for a few minutes and she remembers who I am...I think, then I get off the phone. She reminds me to wait until the weekend and I reassure her I will wait.

I get off the phone, look at her number and say, "I can't wait any longer! I've waiting 6 years and I'm not waiting any more." So I called and we talked for an hour. We are planning to see one another this summer when we go visit my IL's. We will meet half way since she is in the next state.

I'm so excited. It was wonderful talking to her. She has 2 sons and a husband and is still in the military. She is working on her bachelors degree and hopes to apply for OCS. I really hope we stay in contact now. It made me heart so happy to talk to her.

She was amazed at the lengths I went to in order to find her and was SO happy I did. I am too. I don't talk to people from my past very often. In all honesty, I have really kept up with anyone from my PH days (pre-hubby). Sad, really. I honestly think it's because I never let anyone get that close after a while. I held a lot of people back at arms length.

Anyway...I'm so happy that she was the first person I found. It did me a world of good to know she is well and is accomplishing so much with her life.

#49a Get Eyes Checked I got my eyes checked today...kind of. I didn't walk out with a rx b/c he dx me with acute allergic conjunctivitis. Dr. Shank told me that I wouldn't be allowed to wear contacts any more because I am allergic to the proteins in the eye cleanser. I took his word for it and left with my free sample of Restasis and my rx for my steroid treatment with a follow up appt scheduled for Dec. 2. So I just sit down at the computer and do some research. Sure, I could very well be allergic to the eye cleanser, but there are any number of other causes. How did he know that was the cause when I haven't worn contacts for months and still have my eye problems? He also didn't do any tests to check for specific allergies.

According to Vision Web:

Allergic conjunctivitis results from a response to airborne pollen, dust, smoke, or environmental agents. Both eyes are usually affected and may itch, tear excessively and discharge a stringy mucous. You may also have other allergic reactions, such as a runny or itchy nose. Allergy tests can identify specific causes, and repeated injections may desensitize you to the allergens.

Topical eye drops are available to relieve symptoms, and depending on the severity, you eyecare provider or physician may also recommend oral medications such as over-the-counter or prescription decongestant-antihistamines. Eyecare products such as contact lens solutions or eye drops can cause allergic reactions as well. Discontinue use if you notice allergic conjunctivitis symptoms following the use of a particular product.

I think since contacts aren't covered in any way, shape or form by my insurance, I'm just going to get my eyes checked again at LensCrafters while I'm in Anchorage while getting my new glasses. (I should have a new rx at my follow up.) I go up on 3 Dec for some appointments for my son.

So, I think I'll use them as a second opinion while I'm there and hopefully get some new contacts. I only want to wear them every once in a while. If I can't wear them once a week like I would prefer, just for special occasions would be nice. Dr. Shank refused to even allow that and said that Lasik would be out of the question too since it tends to exaserbate eye problems. Anyone know if that is true?

So while I didn't get my rx yet, I did go...finally. I think the last time I went was back in 2005 and perhaps even 2004? I'm pretty sure it was Feb. 2005 though. I'll update after my next appointment. I am going to talk to him about what I found though.