Tuesday, May 12, 2009
#49 Contacts and Glasses
While I got the scripts a while back, I forgot to update here. I have new glasses and I love wearing contacts now. My eyes are even less dry than they were before (see previous post about eye appointment) since I'm wearing the 2 week lenses and using Clear Care contact solution. I'm even wearing my contacts pretty often these days since the weather has finally decided to be nice to us here in Southeast Alaska. YAY for contacts and regular sunglasses!
#32 Read The Birth Order Book

This was such an informative book - and Dr. Leman is even funny! I learned so much, not only about myself, but about my siblings and my children. He gives advice on parenting and also letting loose (for those perfectionist types - though I don't know any of those). Ahem.
Anyway. Before I get struck down right now, I want to say that I highly recommend this book. It took a long time to read b/c I was trying to take everything in (not to mention the two kids who demand time so reading while this kind of book while they are awake is next to impossible) and start applying things to my life.
I can't say I'm less stressed or less perfectionistic, but I can say I am learning to loosen up some and I've noticed a difference in how I react to my children. For instance, when I ask the kids to wipe their face after dinner and they do, I don't need to wipe it off after them to get all the stuff they missed. It's not really hurting anything and they'll be getting a bath soon anyway. I don't need to go behind them and fix everything they have already done. Remind me of this as the kids get older, okay? Thanks.
You can purchase your copy here.
Monday, March 2, 2009
#46 New Robe!

For Christmas, my husband got me the robe on my Amazon wishlist! I was SO happy and it is A-MAZ-ING! It is SO comfy and warm and I love to wrap up in it after a nice long shower or bubble bath, climb onto my chaise and read. Having a nice cup of tea at the same time is even better.
Funny, I just noticed that this looks like it could actually be my bathroom door.
Monday, January 19, 2009
#98 - Recycle
We have been recycling pretty much everything since last summer, so I think I can cross this one off. This is something we hope others will begin to do themselves. It's so important to take care of the earth that God has blessed us with. It's all about stewardship for us. We have been entrusted with its care - to a degree - and it is important to honor that responsibility.
#101 - Donate Hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths
This was done about a month ago, but I forgot to post. It is so rewarding knowing that my hair is going to help a woman undergoing cancer treatment. I had about 9 inches that I donated and they will combine my donation with hair from about 6 other donations and make a wig. Our hair is something that we don't always think too much about, but imagine not having it. It's one thing if we CHOOSE to shave or cut our hair and an entirely different situation if that choice is made for us. If my hair can help a woman feel better about herself, that makes me feel so happy. It's amazing the difference I feel about myself when I feel like my hair looks good. I pray for the woman who will wear my hair. I pray for healing, but also that she realizes that she is beautiful, hair or no hair.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
#45 New Cut and Color
I cut my hair for Pantene Beautiful Lengths and went pretty drastic. I lost 8+ inches and went blonde with pink highlights. This was something that was pretty (ok, extremely) hard for me to do. Yeah, I know it's just hair, but I am one who always worries about what other people will think of me.
I first wanted to color my hair pink back in middle school. It only took 15 years, but I finally did it. I was still worried about what others would think, but I needed to do this for ME. And you know what? I LOVE it! It was more than just about the hair for me, it was about not caring so much what other people think about me and doing what I want to do - something that is extremely difficult for me.
I love it and plan to keep it up. I just wish that the pink wouldn't fade so fast. Anyone have any ideas on how to make it stay?
***ETA: I'll consider my PBL donation complete when I finally get it in the mail. I'm such a slacker.
I first wanted to color my hair pink back in middle school. It only took 15 years, but I finally did it. I was still worried about what others would think, but I needed to do this for ME. And you know what? I LOVE it! It was more than just about the hair for me, it was about not caring so much what other people think about me and doing what I want to do - something that is extremely difficult for me.
I love it and plan to keep it up. I just wish that the pink wouldn't fade so fast. Anyone have any ideas on how to make it stay?
***ETA: I'll consider my PBL donation complete when I finally get it in the mail. I'm such a slacker.
#24 SIL's Final Stage Performance
SIL is an amazing dancer and the stage is going to miss her greatly. She has decided at the ripe, old age of 20, that large productions just aren't her thing and that she would rather focus on what he wants to do with her life. She will continue dancing, but wants to get her degree and do dance therapy. HOW COOL IS THAT? I'm so happy for and proud of her.
The performance was amazing. We had fantastic seats in the second row. I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect a Broadway style performance, which is what we got. A-MAZ-ING! The talent in that group of performers (both singers and dancers) is just phenomenal. SIL was in several numbers (7, I think), but there were two that were especially heartwarming for me. The first was a ballet number - think long tu-tu's and point. I looked at her and just thought about how she was living every little girls dream. The second was her last number, in which the entire cast was on the stage doing what they do best.
I'm so thrilled that we got to be there for her big night. She is an amazing dancer.
The performance was amazing. We had fantastic seats in the second row. I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect a Broadway style performance, which is what we got. A-MAZ-ING! The talent in that group of performers (both singers and dancers) is just phenomenal. SIL was in several numbers (7, I think), but there were two that were especially heartwarming for me. The first was a ballet number - think long tu-tu's and point. I looked at her and just thought about how she was living every little girls dream. The second was her last number, in which the entire cast was on the stage doing what they do best.
I'm so thrilled that we got to be there for her big night. She is an amazing dancer.
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